Gagva - Phase-I, A2O Project - CCPL - RIL Jamnagar

Design, Engineering, Manufacturing, Testing & Supply of GRP Pipes, Laying, Hydro Testing Including civil work and all utility crossings. – Dia: 500 mm to 200 mm-24 Kilometer (Each 8.0 km).

Water Pipe Line for TWAD Board- Tamilnadu

Design, Supply, Excavation, laying, joining, testing of various diameter water supply pipe lines including all kind of civil work.- 300 – 700 mm dia: 34 KM.

BADDI Industrial Association Effluent Water Collection System at BADDI – HIMACHAL PRADESH

Design, Supply, Excavation, laying, joining, testing of various diameter ETP pipe lines including all kind of civil work- Dia – 80 mm to 600 mm- 68 KM

Trombay Thermal Generating Station Suction & Discharge Piping of FGD Scrubber, Tata Power Ltd (1*250 MW Unit – 08)

Design, Engineering, Supply, laying, joining, testing of various diameter pipe lines (Civil Work excluded) - Dia – 1600 mm , 1000 mm , 750 mm - 270 meter.

Supply of GRP Pipes for 5 x 270 MW Thermal Power Plant at Amravathi and Sinnar SEZ, Nasik- India Bull Power Plant.

Supply and laying of GRP Pipes of different Dia - Total length- 9306 metres - ( Dia. 25 mm-2000 m, 50 mm - 1000 m, 65 mm -2500 m. 200 mm -29 m, 350 mm -471 m, 400 mm -800 m, 500 mm -63 m, 600 mm -119 m, 800 mm -964 m, 1200 mm-1360 m.

Reliance Power – Pokhran, Rajasthan.

Design, Engineering, Manufacturing, Testing & Supply of GRP Pipes including Laying, Hydro Testing Including civil work and all utility crossings. Dia- 500 mm and 300 mm- 29.10 KM.

Shri Bajrang Power Corporation Ltd., MP- Water Transport Cross Country Pipeline from River to Power Plant.

Design, Engineering, Manufacturing, Testing & Supply of GRP Pipes including supervision of Laying and Civil works Dia- 600 mm dia- 25 KM.

Coastal Energy Pvt. Ltd, Tuticorin, Mellamarudhur, TM

Design, Engineering, Supply & Supervision during Erection: Dia- 2600 mm/ 2100 mm/ 1800 mm/ 1650 mm/ 1500 mm/ 1200 mm/ 800 mm- Total Length: 1766 M.

Reliance Industries Limited, Jamnagar.

Design, Engineering, Manufacturing, Testing & Supply of GRP Pipes including Laying, Hydro Testing Including civil work and all utility crossings. Dia- 500 mm and 200 mm- 24.00 KM.

Reliance Industries Limited, Jamnagar.

Design, Engineering, Testing & Supply, installation, erection and commissioning of PSTP- 30 KLD Capacity for Water Treatment Facility Project Phase-I, Gagva, Jamnagar.

NTPC Thermal Power Plant, Khargone, Madhya Pradesh.

Design, Engineering, Manufacturing, Testing & Supply of GRP Pipes including Laying, Hydro Testing of GRP/ DI/MS Pipes. Dia-900 mm/ 800 mm/ 700 mm dia- Total length- 82.50 KM.

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